Brussels Universal and International Exhibition, United States Pavilion. American Art: Four Exhibitions. Exhibition catalogue. 1958.
Group Exhibition CatalogueBrussels Universal and International Exhibition, Palais International des Beaux-Arts. 50 ans d’Art Moderne. Exhibition catalogue. 1958.
Group Exhibition CatalogueSweeney, James Johnson. “Le cirque de Calder, Paris 1926–1927.” Aujourd’hui; Art et Architecture, no. 17 (May 1958).
Magazine“J&L sets the stage for modern living.” Time (26 May 1958).
MagazineNoyes, Eliot. “At Home.” Art in America (Summer 1958).
Magazine“Les Arts a la Maison de L’UNESCO.” Aujourd’hui Art et Architecture (September 1958).
Magazine“L’Homme a l’oreille tundue.” Carrefour (3 September 1958).
Magazine“Competition internationale pour la decoration de la maison de l’UNESCO.” Combat (8 September 1958).
Magazine“Je suis un bricoleur.” Arts, Lettres, Spectacles, no. 687 (9–16 September 1958).
MagazineCharmet, Raymond. “L’Art a L’UNESCO: Quatre-vingts millions bien mal employes Festival de la pretendue ‘avant-garde,’ la decoration du nouveau palais est eparpillee, maigre, et delirante.” Arts, 17 & 23 September 1958.
Newspaper“Architecture for the Jet Age.” Life International (29 September 1958).
MagazineWatt, Alexander. “Dealers of Paris: III Aime Maeght by Alexander Watt.” Studio (October 1958).
MagazineChabrun, Jean-Francois. “L’UNESCO: Scandale au Coin de la Rue.” Paris Match, no. 495 (4 October 1958).
Magazine“Gyrations in Space.” The UNESCO Courier, no. 11 (November 1958).
Magazine“Cross-section of Modern Art.” The UNESCO Courier, no. 11 (November 1958).
MagazineKelly, David. “Museum’s New $15,000 Mobile Priced to Sell at $30 a Pound.” Pittsburgh Press, 7 November 1958.
NewspaperBergery, Jean-Francois. “Les Pontiffs de l’Art Moderne Dechainent La Bataille de L’UNESCO.” Jours de France, no. 208 (8 November 1958).
Magazine“Quatre vignt douze Nations se Donnent Rendez-vous a Paris, capitale de L’UNESCO.” Regards (December 1958).
Magazine“Les Maisons qui Vivent Images de mon Moulin.” La Maison Francaise (December 1958–January 1959).
MagazineCarnegie Institute, Department of Fine Arts, Pittsburgh. The 1958 Pittsburgh Bicentennial International Exhibition of Contemporary Painting and Sculpture. Exhibition catalogue. 1958.
Group Exhibition Catalogue“A Visit with Calder.” Look, vol. 22, no. 25 (9 December 1958).
MagazineCoates, Robert M. “The Art Galleries: Americans, All Sizes.” New Yorker (27 December 1958).
Restany, Pierre. “L’autre Calder.” Art International (Zurich), vol. 3, nos. 5–6 (1959).
Magazine“Calder.” Les Expositions (c. 1959).
Magazine(Publication unknown), c. 1959.
MagazineTyler, Betty Sessler. “Calder Acclaimed as Father of the Mobile, Whirling Sculpture.” Bridgeport Connecticut Post, 4 January 1959.
Newspaper“Spitzentanz und alte Götter.” Das Kunstwerk (February 1959).
MagazinePrévost, Alain. “Calder.” Le Mercure de France, no. 1147 (March 1959).
MagazineMusée Galliéra, Paris. L’Age Mécanique. Exhibition catalogue. 1959. Texts by René Barjavel, Gérard Bauër, Michael Butor, Jean Cassou, Jean Cocteau, Raymond Cogniat, Pierre Daninos, Pierre De Latil, Michel Del Castillo, Guy Dorans, Albert Ducrocq, Florent Fels, Georges Friedmann, Pierre Gascar, Waldemar George, Isis Kischka, André Labarthe, Henri Mondor, Jean Rostand, Adam Saulnier, Georges Simenon, Francis Viaud.
Group Exhibition CatalogueGalerie Maeght, Paris. Calder: Stabiles. Exhibition catalogue. 1959. Derrière le Miroir, no. 113 (1959). Texts by Georges Salles and Jean Davidson.
Magazine, Solo Exhibition CatalogueGalerie des Cahiers, Paris, and U.S. Centre Culturel American. Les Années Vingt: Les Écrivains Américains a Paris et leurs Amis. 1920–1930. Exhibition catalogue. 1959.
Group Exhibition CatalogueHoctin, Luce. “Les Stabiles de Calder.” Arts (11 & 17 March 1959).
MagazineTaillandier, Yvon. “Calder: Personne ne pense à moi quand on a un cheval à faire.” XXe siècle, 1st année, no. 2 (15 March 1959).
MagazineChabrun, Jean-François. “Expositions.” L’Express, 26 March 1959.
Newspaper“Un Américan à Paris: Calder, le ‘maître du déséquilibre.’” Jours de France (28 March 1959).
MagazineGalligo, J. “Varios Escultores.” Goya (May & June 1959).
MagazineStedelijk Museum, Amsterdam. Alexander Calder, Stabilen, Mobilen. Exhibition catalogue. 1959. Text by Georges Salles; poem by Willem Sandberg.
Solo Exhibition Catalogue“Creative Jewelry.” Art in America (Summer 1959).
MagazineStaempfli, George W. “Interview with Alexander Calder.” Quadrum (Brussels), no. 6 (July–December 1959).
MagazineMuseum Fridericianum, Orangerie, Bellvueschlos, Kassel, Germany. II. documenta ’59. Kunst nach 1945: Malerei, Skulptur, Druckgrafik internationale Ausstellung. Exhibition catalogue. 1959.
Group Exhibition CatalogueAmerican National Exhibition, Sokolniki Park, Moscow. American Painting and Sculpture 1930–1959: The Moscow Exhibition. Exhibition catalogue. 1959.
Group Exhibition CatalogueWescher, H. “Documenta II.” Cimaise (September & November 1959).
Magazine“The Connecticut Yankee Today–A Portfolio.” Holiday (September 1959).
Magazine“Escultor de ‘Mobile’ e ‘Estabile’ Diz Que Ninguem Entende Sua Arte.” Diário da Noite, 3 September 1959.
NewspaperMuseu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro. Alexander Calder: Escultura, Guache. Exhibition catalogue. 1959. Texts by Mario Pedrosa; reprinted text by Fernand Léger.
Solo Exhibition Catalogue“Calder, Escultor Aéreo.” Manchete (October 1959).
MagazineWhitney Museum of American Art, New York. Painting and Sculpture from the American National Exhibition in Moscow. Exhibition catalogue. 1959.
Group Exhibition CatalogueGasser, Helmi. “Alexander Calder.” Werk (Bern), vol. 46, no. 12 (December 1959).
MagazineCaurat, Jacqueline. “La Maison de L’UNESCO.” Tele-59 (19–26 December 1959).
Magazine“Cet Homme Vous Dit: du Flair–et Vous Faites Fortune.” Paris Match (26 December 1959).
Coates, Robert M. “Art in 3-D.” New Yorker (1960).
Magazine“A Live Wire With Pliers.” (Publication unknown), c. 1960.
MagazineHaus der Jugend, Wuppertal-Barmen, Germany. Alexander Calder, Stabilen, Mobilen. Exhibition catalogue. 1960.
Solo Exhibition CatalogueSchelz. “Mobiles und Stabiles von Alexander Calder.” Westdeautsche Rundschau, 11 January 1960.
NewspaperD., H. “Mobiles und Stabiles.” Neue Rhein Zeitung, 11 January 1960.
NewspaperKuh, Katharine. “Beauty on Deposit.” Saturday Review (16 January 1960).
Magazine“Controversial Artists Become Respectable.” New York World-Telegram & Sun, 24 February 1960.
Newspaper“Calder e Brasília.” (Publication unknown), March 1960.
Newspaper“New Moods in Manhattan.” Town & Country (March 1960).
MagazinePedrosa, Mário. “Calder e Brasília.” Jornal do Brasil, 9 March 1960.
NewspaperG., F. “Stábiles de Calder doados ao MAM do Rio.” Jornal do Brasil, 10 March 1960.
NewspaperPerls Galleries, New York. Alexander Calder “1960.” Exhibition catalogue. 1960.
Solo Exhibition CatalogueCanaday, John. “Two Sculptors.” New York Times, 20 March 1960.
NewspaperPalais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels. Alexander Calder. Exhibition catalogue. 1960. Reprinted text by George Salles.
Solo Exhibition Catalogue“Mobiles, Stabiles e Guaches de Calder, amanhã, em S. Paulo.” O Estado de S. Paulo, 8 May 1960.
Newspaper“O homem e o ‘Mobile.’” O Estado de S. Paulo, 10 May 1960.
Newspaper“NA Ambiente.” Journal do Brazil, 12 May 1960.
NewspaperKuh, Katharine. “A New Freedom for the Molders of Space.” Saturday Review (14 May 1960).
Magazine“‘Mobiles’ de Calder em função no espaço.” O Estado de S. Paulo, 14 May 1960.
NewspaperKunstgewerbemuseum, Zurich. Kinetische Kunst; Alexander Calder, Mobiles und Stabiles aus den letzten Jahren. Exhibition catalogue. 1960. Introduction by Hans Fischili and Willi Rotzler; essay by Carola Giedion-Welcker.
Solo Exhibition Catalogue“Calder, da guache ao movimento captado.” O Estado de S. Paulo, 21 May 1960.
NewspaperRichardson, John. “The Neuberger Collection.” Art in America, no. 2 (Summer 1960).
MagazineDavidson, Jean. “Un Souffle Ombilical.” Poètes Peintres Sculpteurs. Paris: Maeght Éditeur, 1960.
MagazineGregoire, Menie. “Le Sculpteur Calder.” La Maison Française, no. 139 (July–August 1960).
MagazineD., I. C. “Alexandre Calder, créateur des ‘mobiles.’” Ouest France, 4 August 1960.
NewspaperHellman, Geoffrey T. “Onward and Upward with the Arts: Calder Revisited.” New Yorker (22 October 1960).
MagazineGenauer, Emily. “Comment by Emily Genauer.” Abbott Laboratories What’s New, no. 221 (Winter 1960).
MagazinePutman, Andrée. “L’Oeil du décorateur vous montre quelques exemples d’associations d’objets rares, insolites ou précieux.” L’Œil, no. 72 (December 1960).
Tajan, A. “Calder.” La Tribune Graphologique, no. 49 (1961).
MagazineLe Cirque Calder (1961). Société Nouvelle, Pathé Cinema, Paris. 16mm, color, sound (English); two versions: 28 min. and 19 min. Directed by Carlos Vilardebó in collaboration with André Bac, Marcel Beau, Jacques Decerf and Anne-Marie Cotret; narrated by Calder; music provided by Louisa Calder from various recordings.
FilmHughes, Graham. “Modern Trends in Jewelry Design.” Graphis, no. 96 (1961–62).
MagazineLipman, Howard. “Sculpture Today” and “Recent Acquisitions.” The Whitney Review (1961–62).
MagazineAlexander Calder (1961). Produced by British Pathé. Black-and-white, silent; 2:13 min.
FilmWilmington Society of Fine Arts, Delaware Art Center. Calder / Alexander Milne, Alexander Stirling, Alexander. Exhibition catalogue. 1961. Foreword by Bruce St. John.
Group Exhibition Catalogue“Sculptor’s Dynasty.” Time, vol. 77, no. 4 (20 January 1961).
Magazine“Calder’s City.” Progressive Architecture (February 1961).
MagazineThe Museum of Modern Art, New York. The James Thrall Soby Collection. Exhibition catalogue. 1961.
Group Exhibition CatalogueGrafly, Dorothy. “Exhibition Honors the Calder Family.” The Sunday Bulletin, 5 February 1961.
NewspaperPerls Galleries, New York. Alexander Calder / Joan Miró. Exhibition catalogue. 1961. Texts by Joan Miró and Alexander Calder.
Group Exhibition CatalogueCanaday, John. “Calder and Miró.” New York Times, 26 February 1961.
Newspaper“Personalities.” Progressive Architecture News Report (March 1961).
MagazineStedelijk Museum, Amsterdam. Bewogen–Beweging. Exhibition catalogue. 1961.
Group Exhibition CatalogueJudd, Donald. “In the Galleries.” Arts Magazine (April 1961).
Magazine“Audace et Beauté des Formes Nouvelles.” Le Courrier (June 1961).
MagazineWaldeberg, Patrick. “Montparnasse.” L’Oeil, no. 78 (June 1961).
Magazine“Mobile Artist.” M D (October 1961).
MagazineLincoln Gallery, London. Alexander Calder: Gouaches. Exhibition catalogue. 1961. Introduction by Nicholas Guppy.
Solo Exhibition CatalogueButcher, George. “Father of the Mobile.” The Guardian, 9 November 1961.
Newspaper“Mobile Part of Hospital Therapy.” The Houston Post, 29 November 1961.
Kuh, Katharine. “Alexander Calder.” In The Artist’s Voice: Talks with Seventeen Artists. New York and Evanston, Illinois: Harper & Row, 1962.
General Reference