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Historical Photos 1171
Calder with Le Faucon (1963), Les Trois ailes (1963), and Triangles and Arches (1965) outside the Le Carroi studio, Saché, 1967
Photograph by Tony Vaccaro
Calder creating Self Portrait, François Premier studio, Saché, 1968Photograph by Gjon Mili
El Sol Rojo, Mexico City, 1968Photograph by Robert Emmett Smallman
Calder during rehearsals for Work in Progress, Teatro dell’Opera, Rome, 1968
Photograph by John G. Ross
Joan Miró with Personnage pour Joan Miró (1947) in his Palma de Mallorca studio, 1969
Photograph by Francesc Català-Roca
Postcard of La Grande vitesse, Grand Rapids, c. 1969Photograph by John Penrod
Calder and Joan Miró at the opening of Calder, Fondation Maeght, Saint-Paul-de-Vence, France, 1969
Photograph by Ugo Mulas
Calder and Joan Miró with Les Triangles (1963) at the opening of Calder, Fondation Maeght, Saint-Paul-de-Vence, France, 1969
Photograph by Ugo Mulas
Calder and Joan Miró with Cactus provisoire (1967) and Les Triangles (1963) outside Calder, Fondation Maeght, Saint-Paul-de-Vence, France, 1969
Photograph by Ugo Mulas
Stegosaurus, Hartford, Connecticut, 1973Photograph by David Robbins
Installation of Stegosaurus, Hartford, Connecticut, 1973Photograph by David Robbins
Calder and Louisa Calder descending Flying Colors, October 1973Photograph by Rufus Stillman
Universe, Sears Tower (now Willis Tower), Chicago, 1974Photograph by Robert Fine
Universe, Sears Tower (now Willis Tower), Chicago, 1974Photograph by Robert Fine
Calder in front of his BMW Art Car with Hervé Poulain, Jean Marie Curien, Jean Louis Maesen, and Jochen Neerpasch, Saché, 1975Photograph by Jean-Marie Bottequin
Calder and Jean Lipman at the installation of Cirque Calder, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, 1975
Photograph by Pedro Guerrero
Portrait of Calder at 24 Hours du Mans, 14–15 June 1975DPPI Media, all rights reserved
Opening reception, Calder’s Universe, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, 14 October 1976Photograph by Budd Waintrob
Calder and Georgia O’Keeffe at a dinner in Calder’s honor, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, 1976
Photograph by Abner Symons
Opening reception for Calder’s Universe, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, 1976Photograph by Waintrob-Budd
Opening reception for Calder’s Universe, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, 1976Photograph by Waintrob-Budd
Opening reception for Calder’s Universe, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, 1976Photograph by Waintrob-Budd