Calder Foundation

Featured Text

Featured Texts 27

Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek, Denmark. Alexander Calder: Retrospective. Exhibition catalogue. 1995. Louisiana Revy, vol. 36, no. 1 (Summer 1995).

Alexander S. C. Rower, License Plates

Magazine, Solo Exhibition Catalogue

National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. Alexander Calder: 1898–1976. Exhibition catalogue. 1998.

Arnauld Pierre, Staging Movement

Solo Exhibition Catalogue

Calder Jewelry. Edited by Alexander S. C. Rower and Holton Rower. New York: Calder Foundation, 2007.

Alexander S. C. Rower, Calder Jewelry

Alexander S. C. Rower, Louisa James


Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome. Calder: Sculptor of Air. Exhibition catalogue. 2009. Edited by Alexander S. C. Rower.

Terry Erskine Roth, Synthetic Statues

Judith Farley Upjohn, The Calderian Experience

Solo Exhibition Catalogue