Rights & Reproductions
All requests concerning the use of images of Calder and his works must be addressed to a copyright society representing the Calder Foundation. Please reach out to the appropriate society from those listed below.
USA (and countries not listed below)
Siobhan Donnelly
Artists Rights Society (ARS)
[email protected]
Société des Auteurs dans les Arts Graphiques et Plastiques (ADAGP)
Victoria Hooper
Design and Artists Copyright Society (DACS)
[email protected]
Rafael Julián Esquivias
Visual Entidad de Gestión de Artistas Plásticos (VEGAP)
[email protected]
Glen Menzies
Copyright Agency
[email protected]
When submitting a request to the copyright society, the following details should be included:
- Type of project (publication, film, website, merchandise, etc.)
- Title of project
- Quantity (print run, language, distribution, retail fee)
- Artwork(s) to be represented
- Proposed caption (including copyright line)
- Image size
- Deadline
- If applicable, English translation of all text referencing Calder or his work
- Final layout
If in need of a high-resolution image of Calder or his work, please reach out to Art Resource, who can provide an image approved for publication. If the photos do not appear on Art Resource’s website, please provide a description of the image, link, or reference image.
Jennifer Belt
Art Resource
[email protected]