Gasch, Sebastiá. “Un ianqui a Barcelona.” Mirador, no. 212 (23 February 1933).
MagazineMobile rushes (1933). 35 mm, black-and-white, silent; 1:51 min. Cinematography by Jean Painlevé.
FilmJakovski, Anatole. Dictionnaire Biographique des Artistes Contemporains, supplemental volume. Paris: Art et édition, Librairie Grund, 1933.
General ReferenceJakovski, Anatole. “Alexandre Calder.” Cahiers d’Art, vol. 8, nos. 5–6 (1933).
MagazineRecht, Paul. “Dans le mouvement, les sculptures mouvantes.” Mouvement, no. 1 (June 1933).
Magazine“Arp, Calder, Hélion, Miró, Pevsner, Seligmann. (Galerie Pierre), du 9 au 24 juin,” Cahiers d’Art, vol. 8, nos. 5–6 (1933).
MagazineGalerie Pierre, Paris. Arp, Calder, Hélion, Miró, Pevsner, and Seligmann. Exhibition catalogue. 1933. Text by Anatole Jakovski.
Group Exhibition Catalogue“Modernity Rules in Exhibition at Museum.” The Berkshire Eagle, 10 August 1933.
NewspaperBerkshire Museum, Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Modern Painting and Sculpture: Alexander Calder, George L.K. Morris, Calvert Coggeshall, Alma de Gersdorff Morgan. Exhibition catalogue. 1933.
Alexander Calder, Statement
Group Exhibition Catalogue1934
James, Edward Holton. Jesus for Jews: A History. Concord, Massachusetts: The Emerson Press, 1934.
Illustrated BookRockefeller Center, New York. First Municipal Art Exhibition. Exhibition catalogue. 1934.
Group Exhibition CataloguePierre Matisse Gallery, New York. Mobiles by Alexander Calder. Exhibition catalogue. 1934.
James Johnson Sweeney, Mobiles by Alexander Calder
Solo Exhibition CatalogueJewell, Edward Alden. “Humming Motors Keep ‘Art’ Moving.” New York Times, 13 April 1934.
Newspaper“Alexander Calder’s ‘Mobiles.’” Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 22 April 1934.
NewspaperThe Renaissance Society at The University of Chicago. A Selection of Works by Twentieth Century Artists. Exhibition catalogue. 1934.
Group Exhibition Catalogue“Museums Acquire Calder’s ‘Art in Motion.’” The Art Digest, vol. 32 (1 November 1934).
MagazineThe Museum of Modern Art, New York. Modern Works of Art: Fifth Anniversary Exhibition. Exhibition catalogue. 1934.
Group Exhibition Catalogue1935
Jakovski, Anatole. “Inscriptions Under Pictures.” Axis, vol. 1, no. 1 (January 1935).
MagazineCass, Judith. “Calder to Give His Circus at Dinner Party.” The Chicago Tribune, 10 January 1935.
NewspaperMargot, Jr. “New Idea in Art Show of ‘Mobiles,’ Launched at Tea.” (Publication unknown), 14 January 1935.
NewspaperThe Renaissance Society at The University of Chicago. Mobiles by Alexander Calder. Exhibition catalogue. 1935.
James Johnson Sweeney, Alexander Calder’s Mobiles
Solo Exhibition CatalogueWadsworth Atheneum, Hartford. American Painting and Sculpture of the 18th, 19th & 20th Centuries. Exhibition catalogue. 1935.
Group Exhibition CatalogueKunstmuseum, Luzern, Switzerland. Thèse, antithèse, synthèse. Exhibition catalogue. 1935.
Group Exhibition CatalogueArt Institute of Chicago. The Fourteenth International Exhibition of Water Colors, Pastels, Drawings and Monotypes. Exhibition catalogue. 1935.
Group Exhibition CatalogueSweeney, James Johnson. “Alexander Calder.” Axis, vol. 1, no. 3 (July 1935).
MagazineJakovski, Anatole, ed. 23 Gravures de Arp, Calder, Chirico, Erni, Ernst, Fernandez, Giacometti, Ghika, Gonzalez, Hélion, Kandinsky, Léger, Lipchitz, Magnelli, Miró, Nicholson, Ozenfant, Picasso, Seligmann, Taeuber-Arp, Torres-Garcia, Vulliamy, Zadkine. Paris: Editions G. Orobitz et Cie, 1935.
PortfolioBenson, Emanuel Merwin. “Seven Sculptors: Calder, Gargallo, Lehmbruck, Lipchitz, Manolo, Moore, Wolff.” American Magazine of Art, vol. 28, no. 8 (August 1935).
MagazineWadsworth Atheneum, Hartford. Abstract Art. Exhibition catalogue. 1935.
Group Exhibition Catalogue1936
Levy, Julien. Surrealism. New York: Black Sun Press, 1936.
Art History ReferenceAlbright Art Gallery, Buffalo Fine Arts Academy, New York. Art of Today. Exhibition catalogue. 1936.
Group Exhibition Catalogue“A Playful Abstractionist.” New York Herald Tribune, February 1936.
NewspaperBoston Transcript, c. February 1936.
NewspaperBrenner, Anita. Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 10 February 1936.
Newspaper“Sculpture Taken on Electric Ride.” New York Post, 15 February 1936.
NewspaperGenauer, Emily. “Calder’s ‘Mobiles’ Are Like Living Miró Abstractions.” New York World-Telegram, 15 February 1936.
NewspaperMcBride, Henry. New York Sun, 15 February 1936.
NewspaperJewell, Edward Alden. “Hither and Yon with the Spotlight.” New York Times, 16 February 1936.
NewspaperSayre, A. H. “Mobiles and Objects in the Abstract Language.” Art News, vol. 34 (22 February 1936).
MagazineLane, J. W. “Exhibition of Mobiles, Pierre Matisse Gallery.” Parnassus, vol. 8 (March 1936).
MagazineThe Museum of Modern Art, New York. Cubism and Abstract Art. Exhibition catalogue. 1936. Edited by Alfred H. Barr, Jr.
Group Exhibition CatalogueThe Gallery of Living Art at the Paul Reinhardt Galleries, New York. Five Contemporary American Concretionists: Biederman, Calder, Ferren, Morris, Shaw. Exhibition catalogue. 1936. Text by A. E. Gallatin.
Group Exhibition Catalogue“Martha Graham and Dance Group.” Dance Observer (April 1936).
MagazineAxis, no. 5 (Spring 1936).
MagazineThe Museum of Modern Art, New York. Modern Painters and Sculptors as Illustrators. Exhibition catalogue. 1936.
Group Exhibition CatalogueWorcester Art Museum, Massachusetts. Art of the Machine Age. Exhibition catalogue. 1936.
Group Exhibition CatalogueGalerie Charles Ratton, Paris. Exposition surréaliste d’objets. Exhibition catalogue. 1936. Text by André Breton.
Group Exhibition CatalogueAbbott, Jere. “A Collage and a Mobile.” Bulletin of Smith College Museum of Art, no. 17 (June 1936).
MagazineTransition, no. 24 (June 1936).
MagazineNew Burlington Galleries, London. International Surrealist Exhibition. Exhibition catalogue. 1936.
Group Exhibition Catalogue“Well in Farmington Goes Modern.” Hartford Daily Times, 27 June 1936.
NewspaperHarper’s Bazaar (July 1936).
Magazine“Roaming Mobiles: Museum Tours Art Form Devised with Engineering Skill.” The Literary Digest (22 August 1936).
MagazineSirató, Charles. “Manifeste Dimensioniste.” La Revue N+1 (c. Autumn 1936).
MagazineThe Museum of Modern Art, New York. Fantastic Art, Dada, Surrealism. Exhibition catalogue. 1936. Preface by Alfred H. Barr, Jr.
Group Exhibition Catalogue“Talk of the Town: The Fantastics.” New Yorker (12 December 1936).
“Alexander Calder Named to Design Radio Award.” (Publication unknown), c. 1937.
NewspaperKunsthalle Basel. Konstruktivisten. Exhibition catalogue. 1937.
Group Exhibition Catalogue“Art Galleries: Spring, Circuses, and Sport.” New Yorker (February 1937).
MagazineGenauer, Emily. “What’s New In Art: Calder Work Original, At Least.” New York World-Telegram, 27 February 1937.
NewspaperMcBride, Henry. “Two Extreme Modernists: Calder’s Gay Mobiles Suggest the War is Over; Tommy Says No.” New York Sun, 27 February 1937.
NewspaperKlein, Jerome. New York Post, 27 February 1937.
NewspaperB., A.”Calder: Artist as Toymaker.” Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 28 February 1937.
NewspaperMcCausland, Elizabeth. “Stabiles and Mobiles by Alexander Calder.” Springfield Sunday Union and Republican, 28 February 1937.
NewspaperJewell, Edward Alden. “Fantasy Rears Its Head.” New York Times, 28 February 1937.
NewspaperVaughan, Malcolm. “Alexander Calder.” New York American, 6 March 1937.
NewspaperFrankel, Robert. “Calder: A Humorous and Inventive Artist.” Art News, vol. 35 (13 March 1937).
Magazine“Hartford Is Given Chance to View Abstract Art from Street Angle.” (Publication unknown), 15 April 1937.
Newspaper“At the Honolulu Academy of Arts.” (Publication unknown), 29 May 1937.
NewspaperMusée du Jeu de Paume, Paris. Origines et développement de l’art international indépendant. Exhibition catalogue. 1937.
Group Exhibition CatalogueCalder, Alexander. “Mobiles.” In The Painter’s Object, edited by Myfanwy Evans. London: Gerald Howe, 1937.
General Reference“Souvenirs de l’Exposition 1937.” Cahiers d’Art, nos. 8–10 (1937).
MagazineArtek Gallery, Helsinki. Fernand Léger / Alexander Calder. Exhibition catalogue. 1937.
Group Exhibition CatalogueJuliette. “Vernissage av modernt hos Artek.” Nya Pressen, 30 November 1937.
NewspaperTracy, Charles. “HO to AA, A Stage Playlet in Two Scenes.” Transition, no. 26 (Winter 1937).
MagazineTayler, Herbert. “The Paris Exhibition.” Axis, no. 8 (early Winter 1937).
Magazine“Motion, by Rail and Wire.” Daily Express, 2 December 1937.
Newspaper“An American Wire-Sculptor.” Scotsman, 8 December 1937.
NewspaperBlunt, Anthony. The Spectator (10 December 1937).
Magazine“Synthetic Circus.” Evening Standard, 10 December 1937.
Newspaper“Alexander Calder at the Mayor Gallery.” The New Statesman and Nation, 11 December 1937.
NewspaperGordon, Jan. “Problems.” Observer, 12 December 1937.
NewspaperNewton, Eric. “Two and Three Dimensions: Techniques in Carving and Painting.” Sunday Times, 12 December 1937.
Newspaper“An Artist’s Circus.” Star, 15 December 1937.
Newspaper“Shop-Hound Goes to a Party.” Vogue (22 December 1937).
MagazineMariegold. Sketch (22 December 1937).
MagazineEarp, T. W. “A Gay Plastic Fantasy.” Daily Telegraph, 24 December 1937.
Newspaper“Genius in Wire.” News Review (28 December 1937).
Magazine“Mobiles.” Manchester Guardian, 28 December 1937.
Sweeney, James Johnson. “L’Art Contemporain: Allemagne, Angleterre, Etats-Unis.” Cahiers d’Art, vol. 13, nos. 1–2 (1938).
Magazine“Mobile Sculpture.” Architectural Review, vol. 83, no. 494 (January 1938).
MagazineCalder, Alexander. “Letter to the Editor.” Technology Review, vol. 40, no. 5 (March 1938).
MagazineStedelijk Museum, Amsterdam. Tentoonstelling Abstracte Kunst. Exhibition catalogue. 1938.
Group Exhibition CatalogueGalerie Guggenheim Jeune, London. Exhibition of Contemporary Sculpture: Brancusi, Laurens, Pevsner, Henry Moore, Duchamp-Villon, Hans Arp, Calder, Taeuber-Arp. Exhibition catalogue. 1938.
Group Exhibition CatalogueCalder, Alexander. “Mercury Fountain.” Stevens Indicator, vol. 55, no. 3 (May 1938).
MagazineMusée du Jeu de Paume, Paris. Trois siècles d’art aux États-Unis. Exhibition catalogue. 1938. Preface by Jean Zay; foreword by A. Conger Goodyear; texts by Alfred H. Barr, Jr., John McAndrew, Beaumont Newhall, and Iris Barry.
Group Exhibition CatalogueGeorge Walter Vincent Smith Gallery, Springfield, Massachusetts. Calder Mobiles. Exhibition catalogue. 1938. Foreword by James Johnson Sweeney.
Solo Exhibition Catalogue“Springfield: A Calder Show.” Art News, vol. 37 (19 November 1938).
MagazineS. “Alexander Calders smycken hos Artek.” Nya Pressen, 9 December 1938.