Fernand Léger, Introduction
Fernand Léger, Introduction
Galerie Percier, Paris. Alexandre Calder: Volumes–Vecteurs–Densités / Dessins–Portraits. 27 April–9 May 1931.
Solo ExhibitionCalder, Alexander. “Comment réaliser l’art?” Abstraction-Création, Art Non Figuratif, no. 1 (1932).
Magazine“Objects to Art Being Static, So He Keeps It in Motion.” New York World-Telegram, 11 June 1932.
NewspaperCalder, Alexander. “Que ça bouge—À propos des sculptures mobiles.” Manuscript, 8 March 1932. Calder Foundation, New York.
Unpublished Document or ManuscriptBerkshire Museum, Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Modern Painting and Sculpture: Alexander Calder, George L.K. Morris, Calvert Coggeshall, Alma de Gersdorff Morgan. Exhibition catalogue. 1933.
Alexander Calder, Statement
Group Exhibition CatalogueFollowing a visit in October of 1930 to Piet Mondrian’s studio, where he was impressed by the environmental installation, Calder made his first wholly abstract compositions and invented the kinetic sculpture now known as the mobile. Coined for these works by Marcel Duchamp in 1931, the word “mobile” refers to both “motion” and “motive” in French. He also created stationary abstract works that Jean Arp dubbed “stabiles.”