Calder Foundation
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LaBarge, Emily. “Josephine Baker, Still Moving.” New York Times. 30 January 2024, Web.
Ho, Karen K. “A Vast Gift of Calder Sculptures Could Change the Seattle Art Museum–and the Surrounding City–Forever.” ARTnews. 14 February 2024, Web.
Acquavella Palm Beach, Florida. Calder: Composing Motion. Exhibition catalogue. 2024.
Di Donna Galleries, New York. Enchanted Reverie: Klee and Calder. Exhibition catalogue. 2024.
Minervino, Fiorella. “Calder. Il gran mago della scultura in movimento.” la Repubblica, 4 May 2024.
Palm, Erik Augustin. “Alexander Calder’s kinetic sculptures arrive to full Japanese embrace.” The Japan Times, 16 June 2024, Web.
High Museum of Art, Atlanta. Calder's Universe. 5 March–1 May 1977. Originated from the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.
High Museum of Art, Atlanta. Calder in Atlanta. 1–29 October 1972.
High Museum of Art, Atlanta. Picasso to Warhol: Fourteen Modern Masters. 15 October 2011–29 April 2012.
High Line Hotel, New York. They might well have been remnants of the boat. 11 May 2013.