Calder Foundation
Alexander Calder: Minimal / Maximal
22 August 2021–13 February 2022Neue Nationalgalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Germany

Curated by Joachim Jäger, Udo Kittelman, and Maike Steinkamp, Alexander Calder: Minimal / Maximal focused not only on the spectacular diversity of scale in Calder’s work but also on his radical concept of sculpture as an active medium. With the public in mind, the artist used color, form, scale, and movement to create a new kind of interactive sculpture, a “social” art. The exhibition inaugurated the newly restored Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin, an iconic example of Mies van der Rohe’s architectural style that is an ideal counterpart to Calder’s sculpture.

Related documents  9
Selected works  32
Selected publications  4

Neue Nationalgalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. Alexander Calder: Minimal/Maximal. Exhibition catalogue. 2021.

Solo Exhibition Catalogue

Trinks, Stefan. “Und plötzlich diese Energie.” Frankfurter Allgemeine. 19 August 2021, Web.


Madsen, Kristian Vistrup. “Neue Normal.” Artforum. 24 August 2021, Web.


Bodin, Claudia. “Alles in Bewegung.” Art (September 2021).

Exhibition videos  1

On 27 November 2021, the Berlin Philharmoniker performed Earle Brown’s Calder Piece, 1963–1966, and Terry Riley’s In C, 1964, at the Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin, on the occasion of Alexander Calder: Minimal / Maximal.

Exhibitions / 2020–Today 5

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Alexander Calder: Modern from the Start. 14 March 2021–15 January 2022.

Neue Nationalgalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Germany. Alexander Calder: Minimal / Maximal. 22 August 2021–13 February 2022

Kunsthal Rotterdam, Netherlands. Calder Now. 21 November 2021–29 May 2022.

Pace Gallery, Los Angeles. Calder/Tuttle:Tentative. 21 January–25 February 2023.