Calder Foundation
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Mitgang, Herbert. "Alexander Calder at 75: Adventures of a Free Man." Art News, vol. 72, no. 6 (Summer 1973).
1926–1930: Wire Sculpture and the Circus

Soon after moving to Paris in 1926, Calder created his Cirque Calder. Made of wire and a spectrum of found materials, the Cirque was a work of performance art that gained Calder an introduction to the Parisian avant-garde. He continued to explore his invention of wire sculpture, whereby he “drew” with wire in three dimensions the portraits of friends, animals, circus themes, and personalities of the day.

Chillida Leku, Hernani, Spain. Universo Maeght. 2 December 2023–14 April 2024.
Fundación "La Caixa," Barcelona. Arte y Naturaleza: Un Siglo de Biomorfismo. 28 September 2023–14 January 2024.
Bruce Museum, Greenwich, Connecticut. Connecticut Modern: Art, Design, and the Avant-Garde, 1930–1960. 23 September 2023–7 January 2024.
19 July 1934
I am very much interested in developing a sort of ballet of mine—and devising the means of recording it so that it can be reproduced. The backgrounds can be changed—and the lighting varied. The discs can move anywhere within the limits of the frame, at any speed. Each disc and its supporting pulleys is in a separate vertical plane parallel to the frame. The number of discs can be increased indefinitely—depending on the necessary clearances. In addition to discs there are coloured pennants (of cloth), with weights on them, which fly at high speed—and various solid objects, bits of hose, springs, etc. […] I had this in Paris the spring of 1933 and showed it to Massine— along with many other things, and it’s what I wanted to do for the Ballets Russes. Of course the real problem to magnify the movement to a full sized proscenium—but I can see various ways of obtaining it.
High Museum of Art, Atlanta, and the Museum of Modern Art, New York. Picasso to Warhol: Fourteen Modern Masters. Exhibition catalogue. 2011.
Dunham, Carroll. "High-Wire Act." Artforum, vol. XLVII, no. 6 (February 2009).
High Museum of Art, Atlanta. Calder-Picasso. 26 June–19 September 2021. Originated from Musée Picasso, Paris.
Steele, Mike. "Stabiles Are High Point of Calder Show." Minneapolis Tribune, c. April 1968.