Calder Foundation
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Tate Modern, London (2015)
Tate Modern, London. Alexander Calder: Performing Sculpture. 11 November 2015–3 April 2016.
Pace Gallery, New York (2017)
Pace Gallery, New York. Calder: Constellations. 20 April–30 June 2017.
Hauser & Wirth, Somerset (2018)
Hauser & Wirth, Somerset, England. Calder: From the Stony River to the Sky. 26 May 2018–9 September 2018.
Hauser & Wirth, Los Angeles (2018)
Hauser & Wirth, Los Angeles. Calder: Nonspace. 27 October 2018–6 January 2019.
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne (2019)
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne. Alexander Calder: Radical Inventor. 5 April–4 August 2019. Originated from Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.
Calder: Small Sphere and Heavy Sphere (2019)

Pace Gallery, New York. Calder: Small Sphere and Heavy Sphere. Exhibition catalogue. 2019. Edited by Alexander S. C. Rower.

Susan Braeuer Dam, The Mobile Object
Featured Text
Neue Nationalgalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Germany (2021)
Neue Nationalgalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Germany. Alexander Calder: Minimal / Maximal. 22 August 2021–13 February 2022
Kunst-und Ausstellungshalle, Bonn. Alexander Calder: Die Grossen Skulpturen. Exhibition catalogue. 1993.
Hecht, Axel. "Calder: Poesie aus Draht und Eisen." Stern, no. 22 (May 1975).
Kessler, Sinah. "Ein Schauspiel von und für Calder." Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 19 March 1968.